Unusual Strolls

Balade en draisine vers les troglos


Discover the Loir Valley on a draisine with a 360° view, as if you were walking on the rails! Guided tour in small groups: discovery ride to Trôo, including a visit to Trôo station (approx. 30min stop).

Useful information

  • Equipments
    • Picnic area
    • Parking

Tarifs et paiement

  • Full adult price 13€
  • Discount rate 9€

Opening days

  • From 03/08/24 to 10/08/24

    • Lundi : Open
    • Mardi : Open
    • Mercredi : Open
    • Jeudi : Open
    • Vendredi : Open
    • Samedi : from 10h00 at 12h15
    • Dimanche : Open
  • From 31/08/24 to 31/08/24

    • Lundi : Open
    • Mardi : Open
    • Mercredi : Open
    • Jeudi : Open
    • Vendredi : Open
    • Samedi : from 10h00 at 12h15
    • Dimanche : Open
  • From 13/07/25 to 31/08/25

    • Lundi : Open
    • Mardi : Open
    • Mercredi : Open
    • Jeudi : Open
    • Vendredi : Open
    • Samedi : Open
    • Dimanche : Open

Contact and access

02 54 77 05 07 Site internet