Vineyard discoveries

Domaine Daridan



In 2001, Benoit DARIDAN is the new owner of this 21 hectares family vineyard located at the heart of the Loire Valley châteaux in Cour-Cheverny. He uses sustainable agriculture to respect the environment and our soil and is HVE3 labelled (environmental label). He has turned into organic agriculture in 2019.
We are producing PDO Cour-Cheverny (white) and Cheverny (white, red, rosé) and also local wines. The particularity of our vineyard is our 50 years old plot of a rare and unique grape variety named « Le Romantin » which has been introduced by Francis I.
In 2020, Benoit and Elodie DARIDAN bought 10 hectares of PDO TOURAINE grape variety, in a vineyard named Domaine des Pierres Blanches.

  • Spoken languages

    French, English

  • Accepted animals

  • Duration


Useful information


  • Groups 30 max person(s)
  • Type(s) of visit
    • Free tour
  • Equipment type
    • Cellars
    • Products on sale
  • Principal Protected Origin Appellation
    • AOC Cheverny
  • Quality approach
    • Haute Valeur Environnementale (HVE)
    • Park

Tarifs et paiement

Payment methods :
Debit cards
  • Full adult price 10€
  • Full adult price 20€

Opening days

  • From 01/01/24 to 31/12/24

    • Lundi : Open
    • Mardi : Open
    • Mercredi : Open
    • Jeudi : Open
    • Vendredi : Open
    • Samedi : Open
    • Dimanche : Open
  • From 01/01/25 to 31/12/25

    • Lundi : from 09h00 at 12h30
      and from 14h00 at 18h00
    • Mardi : from 09h00 at 12h30
      and from 14h00 at 18h00
    • Mercredi : from 09h00 at 12h30
      and from 14h00 at 18h00
    • Jeudi : from 09h00 at 12h30
      and from 14h00 at 18h00
    • Vendredi : from 09h00 at 12h30
      and from 14h00 at 18h00
    • Samedi : from 09h00 at 12h30
      and from 14h00 at 18h00
    • Dimanche : Close

Contact and access

Domaine Daridan
16 voie de la Marigonnerie
02 54 79 94 53 Site internet