Aérodrome Blois-Le Breuil


Numerous leisure activities with 6 runways adapted to all practices (aeroplanes, microlight helicopters of all classes, gliders, including a 1250 m paved runway). Four flying schools offer various services, training, introductory flights, first flights. L’Air Club Blois-Vendôme ( (Ultralights and gliders activities). Society Centre Air Pilot ( (first flight in plane). Society Héli- Passion ( (school and flights in helicopter), Maugerie ULM (gyroplane) 06 01 84 10 08 gyroplane piloting school. Society Compagnons du Vent, (02 54 43 19 12), offers you unforgettable tours in hot-air balloon and parachuting (06 61 92 22 72) tandem skydiving.

  • Spoken languages

    French, English

Useful information

  • Equipments
    • Picnic area
    • Bar
    • Parking
    • Catering on site
    • Fully equipped conference room
    • On-site ablutions
    • Wifi

Contact and access