Sites & Monuments, Troglodytic visits

Carrière de tuffeau et ville souterraine



The amazing reconstruction of an underground city built in the solid rock deep within an underground tunnel. An incredibly realistic and timeless journey. On the spot possible catering and reservation for the groups (+20 pers.).

The amazing reconstruction of an underground city built in the solid rock deep within an underground tunnel. An incredibly realistic and timeless journey. On the spot possible catering and reservation for the groups (+20 pers.).

The amazing reconstruction of an underground city built in the solid rock deep within an underground tunnel. An incredibly realistic and timeless journey. On the spot possible catering and reservation for the groups (+20 pers.).

  • Spoken languages

    French, English

  • Duration


The little extras

  • Profitez, en été, d'une visite à 11° !

  • Découvrir sur le même site une cave champignonnière

Useful information

  • Equipments
    • Picnic area
    • Shop
    • Parking
  • Services
    • Bicycle parking
  • Type(s) of visit
    • Guided tour

Tarifs et paiement

Payment methods :
Debit cards
Holiday vouchers
  • Full adult price 12€
  • Free rate
  • Child rate 7.50€

Opening days

  • From 01/04/24 to 30/09/24

    • Lundi : from 10h00 at 17h00
    • Mardi : from 10h00 at 17h00
    • Mercredi : from 10h00 at 17h00
    • Jeudi : from 10h00 at 17h00
    • Vendredi : from 10h00 at 17h00
    • Samedi : from 10h00 at 17h00
    • Dimanche : from 10h00 at 17h00
  • From 01/10/24 to 17/11/24

    • Lundi : from 11h00 at 17h00
    • Mardi : from 11h00 at 17h00
    • Mercredi : from 11h00 at 17h00
    • Jeudi : from 11h00 at 17h00
    • Vendredi : from 11h00 at 17h00
    • Samedi : from 11h00 at 17h00
    • Dimanche : from 11h00 at 17h00
  • From 21/12/24 to 05/01/25

    • Lundi : from 11h00 at 17h00
    • Mardi : from 11h00 at 17h00
    • Mercredi : from 11h00 at 17h00
    • Jeudi : from 11h00 at 17h00
    • Vendredi : from 11h00 at 17h00
    • Samedi : from 11h00 at 17h00
    • Dimanche : from 11h00 at 17h00
  • From 08/02/25 to 02/03/25

    • Lundi : from 11h00 at 17h00
    • Mardi : from 11h00 at 17h00
    • Mercredi : from 11h00 at 17h00
    • Jeudi : from 11h00 at 17h00
    • Vendredi : from 11h00 at 17h00
    • Samedi : from 11h00 at 17h00
    • Dimanche : from 11h00 at 17h00
  • From 01/04/25 to 30/09/25

    • Lundi : Open
    • Mardi : Open
    • Mercredi : Open
    • Jeudi : Open
    • Vendredi : Open
    • Samedi : Open
    • Dimanche : Open
  • From 01/10/25 to 17/11/25

    • Lundi : Open
    • Mardi : Open
    • Mercredi : Open
    • Jeudi : Open
    • Vendredi : Open
    • Samedi : Open
    • Dimanche : Open

Contact and access

Tufa stone quarry and subterranean town
40 route des Roches - Bourré
02 54 32 95 33 Site internet

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