Museums & Theme houses

Maison natale du Père Daniel Brottier



Father Brottier's name is definitely associated with that of his birthplace. Indeed, Daniel Brottier was born on 7 September 1876 in La Ferté-Saint-Cyr, in the diocese of Blois. He received a Christian education from his parents and very early on manifested his desire to be a priest. A few months after his first communion, in October 1887, he entered the minor seminary of Blois. His work is associated with that of the orphans apprentices of Auteuil (Paris) which currently has thousands of young people in 150 establishments: work of education, professional and moral training. His name is associated with the U.N.C. (Union Nationale des Combattants) which he founded in 1919. He is a Spiritan religious, declared Blessed by Pope John Paul II in 1984 in Rome; a born educator and a saint.

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Contact and access

Hometown of Père Daniel Brottier
Rue du Château
02 54 87 93 06