Towns & Villages Visits

Visite de la ville de Vendôme



Let us tell you about Vendôme, a city of art and history, in the company of a tour guide accredited by the Ministry of Culture who knows all about the different aspects of the city's heritage, giving you the keys to understanding the history and development of the city the througouth its neightbourhoods. Opportuning to explore the city freely 2 footparths dotted with signs and marked with gold struds. A programme of thematic visits is proposed from june to october. For groups, guided visits on demand.

Let us tell you about Vendôme, a city of art and history, in the company of a tour guide accredited by the Ministry of Culture who knows all about the different aspects of the city's heritage, giving you the keys to understanding the history and development of the city the througouth its neightbourhoods. Opportuning to explore the city freely 2 footparths dotted with signs and marked with gold struds. A programme of thematic visits is proposed from june to october. For groups, guided visits on demand.

Let us tell you about Vendôme, a city of art and history, in the company of a tour guide accredited by the Ministry of Culture who knows all about the different aspects of the city's heritage, giving you the keys to understanding the history and development of the city the througouth its neightbourhoods. Opportuning to explore the city freely 2 footparths dotted with signs and marked with gold struds. A programme of thematic visits is proposed from june to october. For groups, guided visits on demand.

  • Spoken languages

    French, English, Italian

  • Accepted animals

  • Duration


The little extras

  • Vous promener dans les rues de Vendôme

  • Son abbaye de la Trinité

  • Flâner dans le parc au pied des vestiges du château de Vendôme

Useful information

  • Equipments
    • Picnic area
    • Bar / refreshment bar
    • Electric charging station for vehicles
    • Shop
    • Play area
    • Hall hire
    • Bicycle hire
    • Parking
    • Catering on site
    • Film projection room
    • Fully equipped meeting room
    • wash station
    • Wifi
  • Services
    • Bicycle parking
  • Type(s) of visit
    • Free tour

Tarifs et paiement

Payment methods :
Debit cards