Sites & Monuments

Visite guidée de l'Abbaye de Pontlevoy



The Abbaye de Pontlevoy is a French national historic monument which was constructed in 1034 in the heart of the Loire Valley. Since 2001, the abbey has hosted the European-American Center for International Education whose aim is to encourage international education, cultural exchange among tourists and economic development. The abbey is perfect for whistle-stop tours or longer stays as it has unique educational activities which involve and include culture, history, various architecture and some lovely, peaceful gardens. The abbey and Eur-Am Center will be delighted to provide flexible, dynamic services when you next visit.

The Abbaye de Pontlevoy is a French national historic monument which was constructed in 1034 in the heart of the Loire Valley. Since 2001, the abbey has hosted the European-American Center for International Education whose aim is to encourage international education, cultural exchange among tourists and economic development. The abbey is perfect for whistle-stop tours or longer stays as it has unique educational activities which involve and include culture, history, various architecture and some lovely, peaceful gardens. The abbey and Eur-Am Center will be delighted to provide flexible, dynamic services when you next visit.

The Abbaye de Pontlevoy is a French national historic monument which was constructed in 1034 in the heart of the Loire Valley. Since 2001, the abbey has hosted the European-American Center for International Education whose aim is to encourage international education, cultural exchange among tourists and economic development. The abbey is perfect for whistle-stop tours or longer stays as it has unique educational activities which involve and include culture, history, various architecture and some lovely, peaceful gardens. The abbey and Eur-Am Center will be delighted to provide flexible, dynamic services when you next visit.

  • Spoken languages


  • Duration


Useful information


  • Groups 50 max person(s)
  • Equipments
    • Parking

Tarifs et paiement

  • Free rate

Opening days

From 01/01/24 to 31/12/24

  • Lundi : Close
  • Mardi : Close
  • Mercredi : from 11h00 at 12h00
    and from 11h00 at 12h00
  • Jeudi : Close
  • Vendredi : Close
  • Samedi : Close
  • Dimanche : Close

Contact and access

Abbaye de Pontlevoy
1 place du Collège
02 54 20 28 22 Site internet